Schedule Reminder
March 23, 2011
Great concert everyone, well done. A BIG THANK YOU to all our audience members who attended! Our next concert is on May 17th. Slated for our upcoming concert include a couple selections from the Firebird Suite, Elgar’s Pomp & Circumstance, and ALL of Respighi’s Pines of Rome.
Band members, remember, there will be no rehearsal on Tuesday, March 29th, owing to a school conflict. Concert band rehearsals will resume on Tuesday, April 5th. If you still have music from this last concert AND cannot be at rehearsal on Tuesday, April 5th, Donna NEEDS you to make arrangements to return the music prior to that time. You can give it to another band member who will be there on the 5th, or you can drop it off. Contact Donna if you need an address and directions.